About Us...

Welcome to Click. Post. Change, where we empower your voice in the political sphere. We believe in the power of individual advocacy and our unique service is designed to ensure your concerns and ideas are heard by those who represent you.

“It’s your MP’s job to make your voice heard in Parliament whether you voted for them or not. They represent their local area and can raise concerns of local people”

- Shelter

Click. Post. Change

How We Work...

For less than the price of a pint, we’ll write and post a letter to your local MP on the issue of climate change. Working with a team of experts, we create letters that are fully informed, topical and unique.



We collect basic information including who your local MP is! Plus tell us anything important you would like us to include in your letter! Remember you can cancel at any time!



Each month our team of experts will create a unique letter on your behalf. We aim to educate, lobby and respond to news! We’ll also mention anything you want to include.



Once the letter is created you have one week to log in and make any changes you want. Fancy adding a personal touch? Want to include any news or mention another cause?



The letter is posted to your MP, Once done you can log back in and let us know if you got a response plus update anything important you would like to say in your next letter!

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